Saturday 16 November 2013


Hey everyone :)

Sorry I haven't posted in quite a while, but I have a very very VERY requested post for you - a Q&A. I asked people on Instagram for questions, and these are a few that I have picked. (If you want me to make this a monthly thing, comment below and I will)

1) _er3na asked "what can't you live without"
This is going to sound really cheesy but its honestly my family. I'm really close with them and miss them like crazy even if I'm away for them for like a day, so it defiantly got to be my family.

2) alishafarrell asked "your all time favourite shop"
For clothes I would say topshop, as I love basically everything they have. Also I love urban outfitters, even though I rarely buy anything from there because it is really expensive :) For make-up, I love MAC, and for drugstore make-up, I love maybelline, especially the colour tattoos and false lash effect mascara.

3) liv_kirsten asked "favourite thing about fall"
My favourite thing has got to be the colour of autumn leaves, they are so lovely.

4) sprinkleofsam asked "who's your favourite music artist or band?"
This is so so so hard to chose so I'm going to have to say three - Ed Sheeran, Mumford and Sons and Ben Howard, they are all amazing and I could listen to them for days on end - absolute gods.

5) meliajgx asked "what's your favourite time of year?"
This has got to be winter without a doubt, I just love the cold which many of you probably think is really weird, but I just love snuggling up and getting all cosy and warm. Also, I love it when it snows,  because I adore the  sound of walking on fresh snow.

6) hedda_lind asked "favourite girl name?"
This has always been my favourite girls name and will always be my favourite girls name - Amélia. I just think it sounds so gorgeous and angelic; if I have a daughter I am 100% going to call her Amélia.

7) hannahmayor asked "favourite foundation?"
I have said this in my last post but I'll say it again because it is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G - MAC studio fix foundation. Read my last blog post to get more info on it but yeah, it's great.

8) beckyboobar asked "if you could go back in time, where would you go?"
This is such a hard question, there is so so so many places that I would go, but if I had to pick I would definitely go to ancient Egypt. This might be a really weird choice for most of you, but it just seems so cool, and I would love to be the Pharos daughter for one day, oh my gawd that would be the best.

9) 48amber48 asked "what are you scared of the most"
This is a bit of a downer but I would defiantly say dying and other people that I love dying. When I think about mortality and how little time we have to live our lives, it makes me incredibly worried, especially running out of time to succeed my goals, and not being able to see others that I love around me achieve theirs.

10) dyingpretty asked "on a scale of 1-10, how much do you like Instagram?"
So many people have asked me this, so I thought I may as well include it :)
I would say 8.5, because although I love taking pictures and seeing everyone I follow lovely pictures, it gets kind of stressful at times, like when you can't take a photo properly so it will fit in nicely or when a photo you post isn't really that popular with your followers. Other than that, I love it :)

That's the end of my Q&A! Thank you for reading, and if you've got any questions you would like me to answer for future Q&A's, comment below :)

Amber xx

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